Book Project The Power of Ethnic Groups (under review by Oxford University Press) – answers why some Soviet successor states experienced secessionist civil war after the collapse of the Soviet Union. I use structured comparison to detail social-political histories of Russia, Moldova, and Ukraine and fuzzy sets to assess twenty-four explanations of secessionist violence across the full range of former Soviet cases. I demonstrate that in the chaos of state collapse, civil war only occurs in countries where a coherent minoritized ethnic group senses an existential threat from the state. The fuzzy set truth table for the book may be found here.
Publications (selected) Refereed Journals: Feinstein, S. (Accepted 2024) “Measuring and Validating the Ukrainian Ethnic Coherence Instrument” Post-Soviet Affairs
Feinstein, S., Poleacovschi, C., Nelson, T., Smith, K. (Accepted 2024) " Microaggressions in Engineering Education: Where are they happening? Who are the targets and perpetrators?" ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Education
Estes, K. and Feinstein, S. (Accepted 2024) “External Threat and the Contours of Ukrainian National Identity” Europe-Asia Studies